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The Transformation of Engineering Education Webinar

Duration: 40 minutes
Original Broadcast Date: June 9, 2021

Around the world, engineering educators like you are working to keep pace with today’s accelerated innovation and to ensure your students are industry ready. Doing so while navigating the uncharted territory of remote and hybrid teaching is no easy task. Uncovering new ways to augment hands-on lab experience with a compelling virtual option is now more crucial than ever, especially with recent data suggesting hybrid learning will continue over the next 5 years.

Join us as we unveil Keysight’s Smart Bench Essentials series and discover how this solution is the answer to helping you transform the way you teach and how your students learn. In this webinar, you will:

  • Get a demo of the solution from Keysight experts.
  • Hear from educators and students who are using the solution to transform how they teach and learn.
  • Uncover common engineer education challenges that the solution can address. 
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Renee Morad
Renee Morad
Senior Education Solutions Manager
Renee Morad is the Education Solutions Marketing Manager for Keysight Technologies, where she shares insights about engineering education treads and industry-ready teaching solutions. Prior to joining Keysight, she has worked as a writer and editor for more than 15 years. She has been published in the New York Times, Scientific American, NBC News, Forbes, SmartMoney, the Wall Street Journal Magazine, and other outlets. She has also written marketing content for companies such as Dell, HP, Microsoft, Audi, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and others. Renee graduated from New York University, where she studied journalism and creative writing.

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Sean Hum
Dr. Sean Victor Hum
Professor, Eugene V. Polistuk Chair in Electromagnetic Design
University of Toronto (UofT), Toronto, Canada
Dr. Sean Hum joined The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto (UofT), Toronto, ON, Canada in 2006 and is currently a Professor and the Eugene V. Polistuk Chair in Electromagnetic Design. He is also the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies in the same department. He leads the Reconfigurable Antenna Laboratory, UofT, and along with his students, conducts research in the areas of reconfigurable/multifunction antennas, space-fed arrays, electromagnetic surfaces, and antennas for space applications. He has received multiple awards for his work in research and education.
Doug Baney
Dr. Doug Baney
Corporate Director of Education
Dr. Douglas M. Baney has over 30 years of experience in engineering, applied research, and marketing. He holds 246 US and international patents, 83 publications cited 2,375 times, and served as General Co-Chair of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference and General Co-Chair of the Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications Conference. In his current role, he manages engagements with universities worldwide with dotted line connections to marketing, research, human resources, and sales.
Gobi Tamil-Vanan
Gobinath Tamil-Vanan
Bench Product Marketing Engineer 
Gobinath graduated from Swinburne University of Technology with a Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and has more than 7 years of experience in the Semiconductor Industry as well as the General Electronics Test Industry. At Keysight, he works closely with field engineers, product managers, and R&D engineers, to ensure that all relevant customer needs in the industry are brought out well and early to enable customer success, and solve the grand challenges of test and measurements.
Noah Schmitz
Noah Schmitz
Director of Americas University Development
Noah graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Oklahoma with a BS in Engineering Physics and holds an MS degree in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. Noah has been a guest speaker at technical symposia including Semicon Singapore, Test and Measurement World Korea, and the European Space Agency Power Conference to present in the area of wireless communications, power and energy, and optical electronics applications.

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