Enhancing Performance Using Digital Twins
When we design products for a wireless world, performance is a critical goal.
In 5G, each of the three use cases – eMBB, mMTC, and URLLC represents different aspects of performance. Product designers need to meet new challenges to ensure key performance indicators such as data throughput, device density, and latency.
However, measuring and optimizing performance is often difficult, especially in a wireless setting, where everything between the protocol, the environment, the user behavior is never static. In a dynamically varying environment, it is essential to construct a virtual representation of the physical environment called the "digital twin", enabling us to create real-world scenarios, virtually.
5G Automated Functional Testing - IP Throughput and Device Current Drain
5G devices must meet user expectations for data throughput & battery life. They must be functionally tested for IP throughput & battery drain across numerous band combinations, bandwidths & user applications. Completing these tests manually is costly & time-consuming. Wouldn’t you like a better approach?
In this session, we will discuss Keysight’s Functional KPI Toolset. We will show how to get repeatable test results to compare functional performance between different devices & device revisions & ensure that UE functional performance meets user expectations. This will dramatically reduce IP throughput & battery drain test time & is a must for 5G device design, validation engineers.