Phased Array is an enabling technology for Defense and Satcom applications, especially with the advent of 5G and broadband LEO (Low Earth Orbit) constellations. While the IC market is exploding with new Phased Array IC solutions, a proper selection of a Digital Beamformer IC (BFIC) is crucial for the complete system performance.
In this session we will walk through the RF characterization of a Phased Array receiver, including statistical analyses and element failure analyses, active impedance, and modeling of a BFIC. We also include a Trade Study of a Phased Array where we optimize the selection of the PAs based on performance and cost showcasing recently introduced channel impairment modeling capabilities in PathWave System Design (SystemVue).
Key Learnings:
- Simulation of phased array systems including statistical and manufacturing variations
- Modeling active impedance effects between antenna and PAs due to beam steering
- A novel approach to incorporate channel-specific performance in phased arrays